Date: Sunday 3.11. 2024
Place: Atelier LINDA RIBER
``On a journey with our Hearts`` workshop at Thurø
An inspiration workshop with a focus on facts, emotions, intuition and Heart energy.
- Get factual knowledge about what the Heart also can do besides being a pump
- Get tools to contact your intuitive Heart
3-hour workshop with focus on:
What is your relationship with your heart, and what do you find it is capable of?
We approach this theme from many different angles. Facts and research about what the heart is capable of, apart from being a physiological pump. Emotions, intuition, personal stories, and our understanding of “Heart energy”. My wish is that you get an insightful experience with you home from this workshop.
Workshop contents:
- Check in/ check out
- Presentation
- Creative tasks
- Plenum
- Individual work
- Work together
Participants say ...
Linda har som workshopleder en sød ærlig stil – og en positiv og fantastisk naturlig uspoleret hjertelighed. Man føler sig velkommen, hørt, tryg og i gode hænder hos Linda Riber.
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At deltage på Lindas Open Heart workshop var en stærk, smuk og berigende oplevelse.
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Tusind tak for en skøn workshop i dag. Meditation, kreative processer og facts. Hvor er du en fantastisk kursusholder.
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Jeg synes det har været meget lærerigt og spændende. Nogen ting har virkelig været en øjenåbner, og lært mig en del.
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Din workshop “Open Heart” er så fin i sin essens – du skaber et unikt og trygt rum, hvor det er muligt at kontakte sit hjerte – og høre dets budskaber.
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Til jer, der har lyst og nysgerrighed til at gå på opdagelsesrejse i hjertets univers, kan jeg varmt anbefale denne workshop.
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Jeg vil opfordre andre til deltage for at få en større forståelse for hvad hjertet også er – og gå ind i det med nysgerrighed og åbent sind.
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Skynd dig at melde dig på, hvis det klinger for dig – det bliver kun større.
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Price and registration
You are curious, and you want to explore the theme in a group relation.
What you can expect from me:
I make sure to make an open, creative “Heart space” for all of us.
My profile and experience:
For several years I have researched science of the heart as part of a large art project. I am a professional artist since 2000 and I am a member of Danish Counsel of Visual Art. I have great experience in running workshops, project management, facilitating, and process management – and I am also an occupational therapist and teacher for 25 years.
Price: 300 kr. each person including materials and good catering
Statements from earlier participants
Sign up for the next workshop 3.11.24